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Ellora Cave Temples

floor 1

floor 2

floor 3

The huge Avalokitesvara figure at the left of the seated Buddha holds a huge expanded lotus, and has a towering jata headdress and huge cauri. The projecting form over his proper left shoulder may have been the beginning of an antelope skin, completed in plaster. The equally impressive Vajrapani at the right holds a vajra on a long stemmed utpala, his lowered hand resting on a massive coil of garment. The proper right hand holds the chauri. Six seated Buddhas—three on each side occupy the upper level of the left and right walls, their gestures alternating between dharmacakra and dhyana mudras. Beneath, lifesize bodhisattvas stand on double lotus pedestals, holding their various attributes, some now broken away.

289 (_CAV3426.jpg)

363 results in Cave 11: